LEO Africa would like to inform all volunteers that due to the Covid-19 and the world travel limitations and restrictions, we are currently closed.
Moreover, the lock down in South Africa is still in place, although at level 1, contributing to further limitations.
We are keeping updated with the Covid-19 developments and as soon as we will be able to accept volunteers again, we will inform you immediately.
For those of you who are re-booking or waiting for travel bans to be lifted, we will keep you updated via email and through our social media platforms (www.facebook.com/LEO.Africa ; www.instagram.com/leo_africa ).
We would like to thank you all for your support and for believing in our conservation efforts.
Kindest regards,
The LEO Team
#leoafrica #besafe #covidupdates #Covid19 #conservation #volunteerabroad #VolunteerSouthAfrica #wildlifemonitoring