LEO Africa
Volunteers for Wildlife, Conservation & Sustainable Living
South Africa
Limpopo Eco Operations (LEO Africa) is a Big 5 wildlife monitoring, conservation and sustainable living volunteer project in South Africa, established in 2005. Our mission is to provide data on key animal species (lions, leopards, elephants, cheetahs, buffalo, brown and spotted hyena, white rhino) to Reserve Management as well as help maintaining the pristine beauty of the reserve where the project operates, through conservation work. The data collected is used to evaluate population numbers and to help taking informed decisions on future conservation practices by the reserve management.
At LEO Africa we have a strong focus on sustainable living and we promote green energy, recycling and the reuse of materials. We believe that the future of wildlife and of our planet is reliant on everyone doing their part as well as maintaining and increasing protected natural areas.
Volunteers are the center of our work, helping us in the field, at base, as well as supporting the project financially, making our vital work possible. The LEO Africa volunteer project provides a free service to the reserve where we operate; the contribution of our volunteer project provides valuable information about the key species to reserve management. By joining this project, you will learn new, valuable skills and make amazing memories whilst living a truly African experience!
LEO Africa does not receive any funding from the government, the reserve or any other institutions and are solely reliant on the contribution from our volunteers and donors.
"The greatest danger to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it"
- Robert Swan

​By volunteering in South Africa with LEO Africa, you will have the opportunity to join our experienced and incredibly passionate team of rangers, while gaining valuable wildlife, conservation knowledge and directly contribute towards:
Big 5 monitoring (lion, leopard, white rhino, elephant, buffalo), endangered cheetahs and hyena.
Daily Bush Walks to monitor wild animals in their habitat
Conservation activities to assist in preserving the environment.
Camera Traps processing
Sustainable living education.
Contribute towards anti-poaching activities.
Microlight Flights over the reserve for wildlife monitoring and anti-poaching patrols
Go on excursions to the Kruger National Park and the Panoramic Route.
Much more!
All these activities will take place in the stunning and pristine Abelana Game Reserve in South Africa. Stunning koppies, sandy drainage lines and wildlife will be the sceneries of your days at LEO Africa, making the experience at our volunteer project unforgettable!
You will learn about the local fauna, flora and you will meet other volunteers from around the world and make lifelong friendships!